How to find an art appraiser on the web?

When faced with a beautiful object that one wishes to sell or acquire, the first reflex is to ask oneself how much it costs. However, since not everyone has the knowledge of art, resorting to the expertise of a professional is a must. Nevertheless, if for some reason you can't get around, try the antique valuation website. But how to find the site that will offer you the best service? In order not to make a mistake, you will have to look at the qualities that it should have.

The fields of expertise

Typing a keyword on a search engine is easy. The most important thing is to know how to sort between the old valuation website that will offer you an accurate estimate, and the platform that will not be able to give you satisfaction. The first criteria to detect the real potential of a site are its competences; in particular, on the extent of its offers. It will be wiser to rely on a gateway that masters the various branches of the field, than to turn to a site that offers only one form of service. In the sector of the expertise of work of art, some manage to cover a broad range of services. These include the inventory of art objects and collectibles and the appraisal of an impressive variety of works (paintings, sculptures, drawings, photographs, engravings, prints, furniture, silverware, wines, tapestries, jewelry, decorations, musical instruments, watches, etc.). Be careful, however, to base your choice on more than just the scope of your expertise.

Access to the appraisal service

Addressing an antique valuation website is to choose the option that requires no particular investment. Indeed, in most cases, the first estimate goes through an online step. You will have to fill in a form with a description of the object, its photo and personal information about the applicant. For confidentiality reasons, it is preferable to ensure the discretion of the platform. The guarantee of anonymity must be clearly mentioned to avoid any leakage of information and other bad surprises. To make the most of the remote estimate, why not maximize the platforms that offer free estimate formulas. This type of site exists! You just need to take a little time to carefully examine the options offered.


Proximity" means "availability" and "accessibility". Generally speaking, when an offer is online, it is accessible without interruption. Therefore, to judge the accessibility of a service, you should look at the processing time. Then think about checking if the site has an alternative means of contact in case there is an unforeseen event (questions or problems).
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